dinsdag 15 december 2009

Our own love

Vandaag geen wijze woorden of hilarische anekdotes. Gisteren heb ik heerlijk samen met Harold de hele avond muziek geluisterd en gedanst... gewoon in onze huiskamer!
Één van de nummers wilde ik met jullie delen:

"Our Own Love"

I'm watching your shadow cut by the moon

Peaceful I wait for the dawn

These moments in silence are all that I need

The softness of hearing you breathe

And I know it doesn't get better than this

Funny it starts with just one little kiss

Baby all I know you're no longer alone

We've started a home of our own love

All my love is yours, you're no longer alone

We've started a home of our own love

Your ups and your downs, powers and fears

Your presence fulfils my desire

You're all that I've wished for

You're more than I need, you're right where I wanna be

Oh no, I don't ask questions or try to explain

Telling myself it just happens this way

Baby all I know you're no longer alone

We've started a home of our own love

All my love is yours, you're no longer alone

We've started a home of our own love

I don't ask questions or try to explain

Telling myself it just happens this way

Baby all I know you're no longer alone

We've started a home of our own love

All my love is yours, you're no longer alone

Baby all I know you're no longer alone

We've started a home of our own love

All my love is yours, you're no longer alone

Baby all I know you're no longer alone

Baby all I know you're no longer alone

We've started a home of our own love

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